Cleaning day! Organize, put away, vacuum, bathrooms, closets, junk drawers, laundry, kitchen, floors! Whew! Its nice to have that all done! Now I can enjoy the weekend! =)
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Instant Pot Beef & Barley Stew {Pressure Cooker}
Try this hearty, filling recipe for Instant Pot Beef & Barley Stew made in
the pressure cooker. It is full of tender beef, a rich broth and filling
MailChimp And My Subscribers...
[image: Writing Blog Posts, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...]
Come And get It...
Good Morning, Just a quick note to let you know
My Email delivery Mail...
We were so proud of ourselves for going to the YMCA to exercise on the
first day of the year (along with so many other people with ambitious Ne...
How to Make Sunflower Potpourri
I love having fresh flowers in the house when I can. Once they begin to
fade and wilt, I have a hard time throwing them out. So if thy are
especially ...
The Best Laid Plans .... an' all that
Last Saturday evening, I posted this photo
on my Homeschool on the Croft Facebook page, and on Instagram, with the
following caption:
This is my Sunday ...
Most Beautiful Filipino Female Stars
10. Jane O'Nes
[image: Beautiful-Filipino-Actress-Jane-Oineza]
Jane Orenza is a Filipino player, a commercial model and singer. He started
working in the en...
The Military Home
*A friend shared this, and I couldn't help but relate. This is the life the
Lord has given us. The life we have chosen. **I wouldn't trade it for the
B/W Challenge
*You know that sinking feeling, in the pit of your stomach?*
*The feeling that something is terribly wrong.*
*It's worse than the monster under your bed,...
full days...
Last week was our last free week of summer. I know the official start of
fall is not until mid-September, but the start of school almost always
Fruitful Hospitality....
*"Hospitality doesn’t mean perfect and it doesn’t mean expensive. It’s not
about entertaining and it’s not about impressing….. rather it simply is a
Wow, the time has flown since my last update. It's probably not hard to
guess part of the reason behind my blog silence. I'll let pictures speak
for themse...
Things I'm loving...
Some of the simple things I've loved this week.
Calum (12) had a history project to do. His class were told to think of a
question about anything in h...
Life in Uganda
We have been in Uganda for a little over 2 months. Quite frankly I was
ready to come, but had no concept of what it was like here. I am s...
Celebrating Birthdays...
This year, in lieu of presents, we decided to try out a new way of
celebrating our children's birthdays.
Truthfully, my children have very little need ...
I moved again!
It used to be "" but while I was talking to
Pam author of Where Your Treasure Is I realized that I misspelled Country
(I fo...
recent good blog reads
here are a few blog posts that have recently spoken to me. some made me
laugh. some made me cry. and a rare few that were REALLY good made me do
both at th...
Hello. Hi. Welcome.
Did you miss me? I missed you. Sorry I've been so very lame and haven't
posted. I could come up with a million reasons as to why I hav...
Forget about being boring, it is time for something new and fresh, so with
that said. I have put the old behind and started a new. Come on over to
Hello blogging world! I am back from my little blogging break but before
you get excited I have to give you some sad news. I will be changing a few
Cupcake Bouquet!
*This cupcake bouquet is fun and easy to make! I happened upon this cute
idea online! I made it for a friend of mine, and she thought it really was
a bou...
That's what I did today!!!! Scrub Scrub Scrub!!! The house looks nice!!! HAPPY SATURDAY TO YOU TOO!!
Can you come to my house next? I don't pay well. Umm, I don't pay. I could feed you though.;-) haha!
I would love to go your house Lisa!!!! Your sweet company is FULL payment! =)
Happy Saturday to you Marie!
When are you going to up date missy? I've been waiting forever to read you next post!!!!
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