Here are a bunch of pictures of Winston laughing with his Daddy. I wish you could hear the sounds too. He makes this deep exclamation of sound and then laughs so hard that I am afraid he won't catch his breath to breathe! Then he holds the same tone for five seconds until he breaks out laughing again. So cute! I will have to capture it on a video. The only problem with videos, is that I can't keep it short enough to upload to blogger! But I'll do my best :)
Instant Pot Beef & Barley Stew {Pressure Cooker}
Try this hearty, filling recipe for Instant Pot Beef & Barley Stew made in
the pressure cooker. It is full of tender beef, a rich broth and filling
2 days ago
Oh my goodness!!! You're mom is just gonna LOVE these!!!
I LOVE the way you laid them all out!!! How did you do that?
You're so creative!
Isn't is WONDERFUL to have a husband that loves babies????
Love you!
Your so so right Danielle! I love that Benjamin loves him so much! He can't get enough of him!
I did the layout from they have a bunch of cool ideas :)
Love you too!!
What a sweet heart!!! I wish I could hear his laughter. I love the pictures, you are soooo great with them.
I know I say this every time you post pictures of your little man but isn't he sooo adorable!?
Loving, hands-on daddies are such a blessing aren't they?
Kirsteen xx
Can you have someone take pictures of you and Benjamin, I would love to see you two!
Oh my goodness sweetie, how did I miss this? Soooo cute; Danielle was right. I love it. I love your collages.
Oh sigh. Miss you all so much. Kiss "Little Pookie" for me.
Love Mom
Love those sweet pics! Love the little elbow dimple!!!!
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