These two little cuties kept us quite busy on this trip :P
Sharing and letting go of toys was a new learning experience for Winston! Zane tried to be the gentleman, but Winston loved to test his patience :P
Marie's display of our teatime is always so pretty. A short moment of peace and refreshment!
Our good friend Julie was able to come over for a quick visit. She told me at my baby shower last year right after Winston had been born that she and her husband were expecting. And now a little over a year later here is her precious baby boy Andrew in the above left picture.
We tried to capture some nice ones with all the boys, but it was pretty difficult! Andrew and Ezra were hungry, Zane teething and Winston shy.
Winston enjoyed looking at Jon while we tried to capture his cute chubby face. I loved these pictures Marie thank you!
It was so nice to visit Marie, Jon, Zane and meet precious little Ezra! It did my heart well! Ezra is a prize and treasure! Marie and Jon are so abundantly blessed!
They were so so good to us, made their home feel like it was ours. We also got to be there for the boy's baby dedication at church. I am so glad they waited for us to be there with them!
So yes, we are home and back to routine. Benjamin back to work and myself catching up on laundry! Its so refreshing to go away and then come back! And when we came back Florida's Spring showed up! Beautiful flowers welcomed us when we returned ;)
Yes, I have decided to take a short blogging break. I say short and I hope it will be. Benjamin will be leaving for a deployment in June and I am beginning to realize the reality of it! He will be gone at least six months but most likely longer. The blessing to us is that he wont be on a ship! (Praise the Lord!) I will be looking after and managing his website business and I have a lot more to learn, so with that, I need to focus my priorities for the next couple of months.
I know I haven't blogged that much anyway lately, but I would rather give a notice then just disappear for a long period of time. I will miss posting and you all who visit, read and comment! Thank you all so much for your dear friendships!
I will be back, but for now God's blessing to you all!